AEOLIKI Ltd offers project due diligence services, investigating adequate solutions to project development, financing and recommendations on the best alternatives. Our team of experts will evaluate project status, regulatory hurdles and level of assurance of success of project development
Valuation Study of a Gold Plant, project budget 4,500,000 Euros
Valuation Study of a Power Plant of 3.8 + 4.2 MW on behalf of Societe General, project budget 1,500,000 Euros
Technical and Permitting Due Diligence for the financing structuring of Photovoltaic parks in Cyprus of > 250 MW installed capacity, on behalf of local and international Banks, projects budget >300 mil. Euros
Technical and Permitting Due Diligence for the Acquisition and development of 384 MW Wind Parks in Greece, on behalf of a Saudi Arabian investment fund, project budget 600 mil. Euros
Permitting and Environmental Due Diligence for the acquisition of a 50 MW Solar Thermal Power Station in Greece, on behalf of a US investment fund, project budget 160 mil Euros.
Permitting and Environmental Due Diligence for the financing of a Thermal Power Station in Cyprus of 54 MW Installed capacity, on behalf of a UK Financing Institution, project budget 60 mil. Euros
Permitting, Environmental and Operation Due Diligence for the acquisition of a multinational fuel farms in the Netherlands, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, USA, Malaysia, South Africa, Latvia, Russia, Cyprus, Kenya, Nigeria, Argentina, Spain, on behalf of a US Management Fund, project budget over 2.5 billion US $
Permitting, Operation, Environmental, Health and Safety and Security Due Diligence for the Trinity Project industrial plants at Poland, France, Greece, Turkey, Brazil, India, Indonesia, China on behalf of a European Management Fund
Permitting, Operation, Environmental, Health and Safety and Security Due Diligence for an Oil and Gas supporting infrastructure in Europe, on behalf of a US Management Fund, project budget 350 mil. Euros